How Long Do Smartwatches Last? 5 Tips to Increase Longevity

How Long Do Smartwatches Last

In today’s world, smartwatches have become ubiquitous accessory because it allows us to stay connected and organized on the go.

Smartwatches have proven extremely helpful for many people, allowing them to track fitness goals, receive notifications, and even make phone calls.

But with all the features that smartwatches offer, one question that inevitably comes up in everyone’s mind is — how long do smartwatches last?

The average lifespan of a smartwatch is between two to three years. However, a smartwatch can last longer (up to five years) if you have bought a high-quality smartwatch such as an Apple Watch or Samsung Galaxy Watch and take good care of it. 

Besides, smartwatches are no longer just a trendy accessory; they’ve become an essential part of our lives. 

But I also understand that a smartwatch can be a significant investment, which is why you want to get the most out of it.

If you’re wondering “how long do smartwatches last?” and how to maximize their longevity, keep on reading!

In this post, I have answered some of the common questions related to the lifespan of smartwatches, and also shared tips to increase the longevity of your smartwatch for as long as possible.

How Long Do Smartwatches Last?

Generally, the lifespan of smartwatches can vary depending on the smartwatch brand and model. But you can expect a smartwatch to last anywhere from two or three years. Although, smartwatch longevity also depends on usage patterns and other factors as well.

If you’re a smartwatch enthusiast (like me) and planning to purchase your first-ever smartwatch, it’s crucial to know how long a smartwatch can last before it becomes outdated or breaks down.

There are plenty of reasons behind this. But the most important reason of all is your financial investment. 

Let’s understand why the lifespan of smartwatches is an important point to consider before buying them.

Why Should You Consider the Lifespan of Smartwatches Before Buying?

It’s critical to take the lifespan of a smartwatch into account before buying it.

After all, investing in a smartwatch is not a small expense, and you want to make sure that you’re getting your money.

That’s why I recommend buying a smartwatch with a longer lifespan because it will continue offering value over a long period of time. 

If you’re buying a smartwatch primarily for fitness tracking purposes, considering the lifespan is even more important. This is because you should want your device to not only last longer but keep up with your active lifestyle.

Unfortunately, there are several factors that could affect your smartwatch’s longevity, even if you’ve bought a high-quality device.

Factors that Affect the Lifespan of Smartwatches

Let’s talk about the main factors that can affect your smartwatch’s lifespan. Afterward, I will also share some tips on how to maximize the lifespan of your smartwatch so that it could last longer.

Battery Life

The battery life is an important factor that can affect your smartwatch’s longevity. 

Ideally, you should buy a smartwatch will a good battery life because the longer it can run on a single charge, the less you’ll need to charge it. This can directly contribute to increasing the lifespan of your smartwatch.

Fitbit Versa 3, for example, comes with a battery life of up to six days, which is considerably longer than many smartwatches on the market. 

However, if you opt for a budget smartwatch (it’s one of many types of smartwatches), it may have shorter battery life, which may require frequent charging and can put a strain on the battery condition over time. 

Build Quality

The build quality is another crucial factor you must consider before buying your first smartwatch. Some brands like Apple, Samsung, Fossil, etc. always use high-quality materials including stainless steel, sapphire glass, and genuine leather for straps to make their smartwatches more durable.

For example, Apple Watch Series 8 comes with a ceramic and sapphire crystal back, which is extremely scratch resistant and provides excellent durability for years. 

Water Resistance

If you’re buying a smartwatch for the first time, you should know that not all smartwatches are water-resistant. Plus, the water resistivity also differs depending on the brand and model you purchase.

For example, any Samsung Galaxy Watch can stay under 5 feet under the water for up to 30 minutes. Unfortunately, not all smartwatches are designed with the same level of water-resistance capability, and exposure to such water levels can cause damage and shorten the lifespan of your device.

That’s why you should always check the water resistance of a smartwatch, especially if you’re a regular swimmer, before making a purchase.

OS Updates

All smartwatches require an OS (Operating System) to function because it’s the OS that provides the foundation upon which the smartwatch apps and the user interface are built.

While most smartwatches run on Google’s Wear OS, there are smart watches that have their own operating system. 

For example, all smartwatches available from Apple run on the company’s own wearable operating system, which is famously known as Apple Watch OS.

Usually, Google, Apple, and other smartwatch brands regularly release new software updates to improve performance, fix bugs, and introduce new features to help prolong your device’s longevity. 

However, if your smartwatch brand does not send regular OS updates or end support for your smartwatch model, it can soon lead to limited functionality or compatibility issues over time.

Wear and Tear

How often you use your smartwatch can also affect its longevity. 

Heavy usage, such as using it for sending texts or answering phone calls on a smartwatch, can put more strain on the device and cause it to wear out faster.

Apart from this, if you use your smartwatch to track your daily workouts, it may experience more wear and tear than if you only use it for checking the time. 

The point is that it’s essential to consider your usage habits when purchasing a smartwatch and choose one that can handle your needs for a long period of time.

Environmental Factors

The environment in which you’re going to use your smartwatch can also impact its longevity. 

For example, exposure to extreme temperatures, moisture, and other environmental conditions can cause damage and reduce the overall lifespan of your device.

Simply put, if you work in a hot and humid environment, your smartwatch may experience more wear and tear than if you work in a cool and dry environment.

Manufacturer Support

Manufacturer support is an essential factor to consider when buying a smartwatch because it includes software updates, repair services, and warranty coverage. And all of these can impact the lifespan of a smartwatch directly and indirectly.

For starters, regular software updates are crucial for maintaining the performance and functionality of a smartwatch. 

As technology continues to evolve, software updates can help ensure that your device remains compatible with new operating systems and apps, fix bugs, and improve overall performance. 

Smartwatch manufacturers that provide regular software updates can help extend the lifespan of your smartwatch and keep it up-to-date with the latest features and functionality.

Apart from this, your smartwatch may require repair or replacement at some point during its lifespan due to some kind of accident. 

Manufacturers that offer repair services and warranty coverage can help ensure that your device remains functional and in good condition, even if something goes wrong.

On the other hand, if a manufacturer does not provide adequate support, your smartwatch may not receive the necessary repairs or software updates, which can shorten its lifespan. 

This is why you should look for brands that offer regular software updates, repair services, and warranty coverage to help ensure that your device remains functional and in good condition for as long as possible. 

By doing so, you can maximize the lifespan of your smartwatch and get the most out of your investment.

5 Tips on How to Maximize the Lifespan of your Smartwatch

1 – Take Proper Care and Maintenance

Taking proper care & maintenance is crucial to increase the longevity of your smartwatch. 

Regular cleaning and upkeep can help prevent damage and extend its lifespan.

For example, if your smartwatch has a leather strap, you’ll need to clean it regularly to prevent dirt and sweat from accumulating, which can cause damage over time. 

Similarly, you also need to clean the touch screen of your smartwatch regularly to prevent scratches and ensure it continues to work correctly.

2 – Avoid Extreme Temperatures

As I mentioned earlier, extreme temperatures can have a negative impact on the battery life and performance of your smartwatch.

This is why you must avoid exposing your device to temperatures that are too hot or too cold, as this can cause damage to the battery and other components. 

It is best to keep your device at room temperature and avoid leaving it in a hot car or cold outdoor environment for extended periods.

3 – Avoid Exposure to Water or Moisture

Most smartwatches are not designed to be water-resistant or waterproof, so it is important to keep your device away from water or moisture. 

This means avoiding wearing your smartwatch while swimming or showering, and taking extra care when washing your hands or doing dishes. 

If your device does get wet, be sure to dry it thoroughly before using it again.

4 – Protect it from Physical Damage

Smartwatches are small and delicate devices, so it is important to protect them from physical damage. 

Ideally, you must avoid dropping your device or subjecting it to other impacts that could damage the screen or other components. 

Additionally, you should always make sure that your smartwatch is in a safe place when not in use, such as a protective case or a drawer.

5 – Follow Manufacturer Guidelines

Last but not least, you should always read and follow manufacturer guidelines to maximize your smartwatch’s longevity. 

This includes charging your device according to the recommended schedule, updating the operating system and apps regularly, and only using accessories and chargers that are recommended by the manufacturer.


Smartwatches are a useful and convenient accessory for people who want to stay connected while on the go. 

However, the lifespan of a smartwatch is an important consideration when purchasing one. 

By following these tips, you can most certainly increase your smartwatch’s longevity and make sure it lasts longer than the average.

Jaimin Kapadia

Jaimin is an avid gadget lover & wearable tech enthusiast. Every day, he reads about the latest wearable devices launched around the globe and writes about his experience and review on this blog.

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